एईआरबी का लक्ष्य यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि भारत में आयनीकारक विकिरण तथा नाभिकीय ऊर्जा के कारण लोगों के स्वास्थ्य एवं पर्यावरण को किसी भी प्रकार का अवांछित जोखिम न हो ।


Safety Promotional Activities

AERB is empowered to enforce rules and regulations promulgated under the Factories Act, 1948 for industrial safety in the units under the control of Department of Atomic Energy. In addition to administration of the Factories Act, 1948, AERB actively plays role in improving safety management systems of DAE units through regulation and promotional activities such as lectures, seminars, annual Safety & Occupational Health Professionals Meet, industrial & fire safety awards etc.

Such promotional activities involve lectures delivered by senior management and officials of AERB at DAE units on the important topics such as Human, Organizational and Technological Factors (HOT) of Safety, Leadership & Management for Safety, roles & responsibilities of competent persons under various sections of the Factories Act, 1948 etc. creating awareness about safety management and organization of annual Meets for professionals of DAE units.

DAE Safety & Occupational Health Professionals Meet

AERB also organizes annual Safety & Occupational Health Professionals Meet in collaboration with one of the DAE units, with dedicated themes focusing specific vital aspect of occupational safety & health. Objective of this Meet is to create awareness about occupational safety & health among professionals and to improve the safety & health management in DAE units. During the Meet, distinguished persons from the field of industrial safety and occupational health are invited to deliver lectures on the topics relevant to the respective themes. These lectures are immensely helpful in knowledge enrichment of the participants. DAE professionals are also encouraged to share their experience and knowledge about the specific topic, through contributory papers which are published in the technical proceedings of the Meet and selective papers are invited for presentation during the Meet. A monograph deliberating the significance of themes selected for the meet is also released in the Meet along with the technical proceedings of the Meet. Over the years these annual meetings have served as an excellent forum for mutual sharing and exchange of useful information among professionals on various aspects of safety & occupational health.

Recently, 35th DAE Safety & Occupational Health Professionals Meet was organized jointly by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) and Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata at VECC during November 27-29, 2018. The themes selected for this Meet were:

  • Leadership and Management of Safety” related to industrial safety aspects and
  • “Requirement and challenges in health management - pre/ during / post-employment” related to Occupational Health Safety aspects

Occupational Injury Statistics and Fire Statistics of DAE Units

Every year AERB publishes occupational injury statistics and fire statistics of DAE units. For this, data on reportable occupational injuries and fire incidents received from DAE units (other than BARC facilities and UCIL & IREL Mines) is compiled and analyzed. Performance of DAE units in comparison with equivalent non-DAE units (based on the national level statistics) is also analyzed. Measures for prevention of such incidents are suggested for implementation.

Publication of monographs on occupational safety issues

AERB also publishes monographs on occupational safety issues such as fire safety, construction safety etc., which are available on AERB website under Publications.

Industrial Safety Award and Fire Safety Award

In addition to above, AERB confers Industrial Safety and Fire Safety Awards to the DAE units as recognition of their better performance in the field of industrial safety and fire safety, evaluated based on the aspects such as elements of safety management system, implementation of safety management system and organizational learning & safety promotional activities.   

List of winners:

विजिटर काउण्ट: 4920709

Last updated date:

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परमाणु ऊर्जा नियामक परिषद, नियामक भवन अणुशक्तिनगर,, मुंबई 400094, भारत,

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